advice and consent51m
change assembly rules89
citation, when used in place of resolution 97 (1)
copies to be available 24 hours before consideration unless privileged35 (1)
definition of resolution95 (71)
division not proper80 (4)
may be considered in special, extended, or extraordinary
memorializing Congress and federal government
prohibited32 (1)(a), 39 (1), 41 (1)
opinion of assembly expressed95 (71)
organizing assembly, not impaired by motion for
reconsideration73 (10)
presentation of39
privileged when relating to members, procedure, or
organization43 (1)
readings required41
referred to standing committee, next calendar, or committee on rules,
unless privileged
42 (1)(a)
relating to rules of assembly (majority of current membership)89
relating to rules of assembly: taken up on 2nd legislative
day after introduction
43 (2)
rereferred to committee13 (1)(am), 42 (3)(c), 45
special orders of business established by (12 hours
notice required)33 (4)
to reprimand, censure, or expel a member, procedure 21, 43 (3)
Assistant majority, minority leader:
duties2 (1), (2)
election, removal, term2 (1)
member of:
committee on assembly organization9 (3)
committee on rules24 (1)
presides, when4 (1)
Attendance, roll call vote taken, must be in chairs 30 (1)
Audiovisual transmission, committee members
considered present11 (3m)
Audit, committee on, see also s. 13.53, stats.9 (5)
Authority of rules of assembly, see also art. IV, sec. 8, Wis. Con.91
Ayes and noes on roll call vote shown in journal 76 (9)
changes not permitted39 (3)
committee introduction of18 (5)
copies to be available 24 hours before consideration 35 (1)
copies to be public 24 hours before executive action17d
corrective amendment by committee on
assembly organization23 (2), (3)
definition of "bill"95 (7)
division not proper80 (4)
enacting or enabling clause, inserted when missing 36 (1)(b)
granting rule-making authority, relating clause 36 (1)(c)
how treated when introduced40
legislative reference bureau to prepare 39 (2)
making an appropriation, relating clause 36 (1)(c)
point of order under advisement: removed from
consideration62 (3)(b)
presentation of39
providing penalty, relating clause36 (1)(c)
question on 2nd reading75 (1)(a)
question on 3rd reading48, 75 (1)(b)
reading at length, required when rules suspended for immediate
consideration before copies are available
35 (1)
receives 3 readings on separate and nonconsecutive
legislative days40, 46, 48
referred to standing committee, special committee,
to next calendar, or to committee on rules
42 (1)(a)
rereferred to committee13 (1)(am), 42 (3)(c), 45
speaker refers to standing committee, special committee,
to next calendar, or to committee on rules
42 (1)(a)
special and extraordinary session:
advancement to 3rd reading and
messaging by vote of majority present and voting
93 (7)
germaneness to call93 (1)
introduction by committees on finance, organization, rules, or JCOER93 (2)
stage (definition)95 (85)
suspending administrative rule, to be considered within
40 days33 (7)
Blanks, available from chief clerk for:
certificates by legislature or by assembly
(see joint rule 7)
96, 97 (5)
floor amendments by assembly or committee 53 (2), (3), (4)
Budget and other bills may be referred simultaneously to joint survey committees
and to joint committee on finance,
see also
s. 13.093 (2)(b), stats.42 (1)(c)
Bulletin of committee hearings, see Schedule of committee activities
Bulletin of proceedings (histories and indexes):
chief clerk supervises preparation of histories,
see also Joint Rules 76 and 785 (1)(b), (c)
legislative reference bureau prepares indexes, see Joint Rules 77 and 78
sergeant at arms supervises provision to members 6 (1)(c)
Business, regular orders of31
business referred to24 (3)(b), 42 (1)(a), 43 (2), 45, 46 (5), 73 (3)(a), (4)(a), 74
chief clerk supervises provision to members 5 (1)(bm)
committee reports shown for proposals on 2nd reading 29 (1)(c)
definition of "calendar"95 (8)
delayed calendar, debate limited: 5 min/member,
20 min/question60 (1)
furnished to members at least 18 hours before being acted upon; exception29 (3)
not required for special, extended, or extraordinary session
93 (4)
lists motions for reconsideration and name of each
maker 29 (1)(b)
lists proposals by name of author and relating clause 29 (1)(a)
lists regular orders of business29 (1)
lists special orders of business29 (1)(d)
preparation by chief clerk under
supervision of committee on rules 5 (1)(b), (r), 29 (1), (2)
proposal withdrawn from committee on rules placed on 15 (5)
published routinely for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday (except holidays)
29 (2)